01. Enjoy the Show 

You will never know

How the apples grow 

Then falling down below 

Your stuffy shoes tip toe 

You will never know 

What it’s like to follow 

Your inner musico 

Es como si estuvieras muerto 

Delightful taste of the juice 

Our brains are getting diffused 

And you will never never know 

How to live on this willow and enjoy the show 

Enjoy the show, enjoy the show, enjoy the show 

Have you ever tried 

The fruits richest bite 

An apple a day 

Keeps the sins to stay 

So your eyes follow your forehead 

The bloody sky was red 

I will think of you 

When I cut my cake 

Delightful taste of the juice 

Our brains are getting diffused 

And you will never never know 

How to live on this willow and enjoy the show 

Enjoy the show, enjoy the show, enjoy the show 

Enjoy – joy – joy – joy.. 

This is how hell must feel like 

Not to cherish the appeal 

Sins have never been more sweet 

With joy I’m looking forward to repeat 

Delightful taste of the juice 

Our brains are getting diffused 

And you will never know 

How to live on this willow 

And enjoy the show, enjoy the show, 

Enjoy the show, enjoy the show 

Enjoy – joy – joy – joy... 

Sins have never been more sweet

With joy I’m looking forward to repeat 

Sins have never been more sweet 

With joy I’m looking forward to repeat 

02. Room of Smoke

As I stand behind this desk 

Waiting for people loosing stress 

Watching how cigarettes spit out their burden 

Shedding their coat, dissolve into smoke 

Recurring timelapse every day 

Another and another and another on their way 

Empty talks, empty laughs 

show your face 

Drink one more, put down and pour 

it’s getting late 

Thick air goes straight to my head 

rising me up, straight up to the ceiling 

eyes are burning bloodshot 

from fatigue and fug 

flying tongues worn-out 

by people talking proud 

don’t know what about, 

everything is blurring loud 

in a room of smoky clouds 


Empty talks, empty laughs 

show your face 

Drink one more, be ready to pour 

it’s getting late 

Can I have another of this and of that 

I wanna have more beer in that glass 

Can I have another of this and of that 

Please don’t put ice cubes in my coke with the Jack 

My ashtray full of dead cigs time to open the trash 

Can I smoke here some hash 

Take a picture but don’t use any flash 

Don’t you want to write down what I say, you forget the order on your way 

Back to your bar, my money’s in the car, can I pay with card? 

Girl, you’re doing a great job I know it’s hard 

But would you please change the music from Led Zeppelin to Iggy Pop? 

You look so stressed, don’t you want a cigarette? 

Or a shot, or a hand, or a deep glance on your chest? 

And before I forget 

Another of this and of that! 

Empty talks, empty laughs 

show your face Drink one more, pay and pour 

it’s getting late 

Welcome to the room of smoke, the room of smoke

 Welcome to the room of smoke, the room of smoke